Wednesday, June 30, 2021

I Don't Want To Teach While Wearing A Mask Anymore

Let's get this lawsuit rolling:

California does not want to stop controlling a person’s life. It’s like they do not want the COVID-19 outbreak to end.

The public schools will reopen for the 2021-2022 academic year with outdated guidelines. Those guidelines include masks, mandated quarantines, asymptomatic testing.

You know, the same guidelines schools that opened in the 2020-2021 academic year and proceeded without many incidents. (I might have some personal experience with that.)

But I digress.

A lot of California parents are ticked that the government is still dragging down their children. Northern California group Let Them Breathe wants to sue the government to stop them from implementing the guidelines.


  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Mask mandates during an airborne virus pandemic? That'd be crazy, I agree with you.

  2. Peggy U12:44 PM

    Some people are clinging to these masks as if they were pacifiers. I don't understand the psychology behind it, but if they want to continue to wear masks nobody is stopping them. It would be nice if the tolerance could flow the other way.

  3. Good Luck. I don't see Newsom setting Californians free from his nonsense any time soon.

  4. While you're traveling the Southwest, I came across this article that may interest you.
