Sunday, May 30, 2021

You Know You're Old When...'re (1) reading an atlas (2) with a magnifying glass.  How did they make some of that print so small?

It's all in pursuit of a great goal, though--this summer's lengthy road trip!


  1. Anonymous1:46 PM

    (3) cognizant of the fact that a paper atlas works even when you're out in the country where there's no cell service. My road trip this weekend involved a banjo, dirt roads, and a dog that stood in front of my car barking and wouldn't let me leave. And a paper atlas.

  2. On my phone I use Maps.ME, and the maps are downloadable. VERY convenient, especially when I'm out of the US and don't want to pay roaming charges.

  3. Anonymous7:50 AM

    You could have stopped at (1)

  4. Thanks, Jaime :-)
