Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Those Neanderthals Must've Been Pretty Smart

"The science" people at the CDC now say that at least the vaccinated don't need to wear a mask pretty much anywhere.  They're a little behind Governor Abbott of Texas, but hey, better late than never and welcome to the party:

Texas has a lot to celebrate this week after reaching zero COVID deaths for the first time since the pandemic began. 

"Today Texas reported: * 0 Covid related deaths--the only time that's happened since data was tracked in March, 2020," Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott tweeted on Sunday night. "* the fewest Covid cases in over 13 months * the lowest 7-day Covid positivity rate ever * the lowest Covid hospitalizations in 11 months. Thanks, Texans!"

Perhaps most surprised by the Lone Star State's dramatic drop in COVID cases and deaths are his critics who slammed Abbott's decision back in March to fully reopen his state.

His critics went far beyond Democrats, who surely made themselves vocal in opposition to Texas' reopening with President Biden calling it "Neanderthal thinking" and former Rep. Beto O'Rourke slamming the "death warrant for Texas" while accusing the governor of "killing the people of Texas."

Perhaps the biggest pushback Abbott faced was from the media.  link

It's too bad that those who've made a living out of scaring people with virus porn will not pay a penalty for doing so.


  1. Napa Newsom won't lift our masking until school's out. No way he will lift it sooner and push the teachers' unions into a corner.

  2. Today I went to the grocery store. I didn't wear a mask. I've had COVID and the vaccine, so why should I? I'm not saying people can't wear masks, but I am saying that if you're not sick, impeding your breathing isn't something a normal person would do. Now wearing a mask has become a sign of political compliance. And while California is worse than Texas, Canada is far worse than either. My cousin and her daughter visited yesterday. The daughter has been in college in Toronto for five years and couldn't get the vaccine b/c Canada doesn't have any company making it at all-they're relying on others, meaning the U.S., to supply it. The daughter came through Detroit in still restrictive Michigan and then had yet another culture shock to free and easy Houston. She wasn't wearing a mask and was almost giddy about being able just to go out to a store without being accosted by authorities. We went to Grapevine Main Street Days Festival this past weekend. Live music, food vendors, no masks. The more people brave leaving masks at home, the more people will embrace normality. But after a year of operant conditioning, there will those who never return to normal. Someone should have to pay for that. You might want to read this:
