Monday, May 31, 2021

This Does Not Shock Me

With the left it's always "do as I say, not as I do":

According to a new study of tech companies that made pledges to support the black lives matter movement, those companies actually employed fewer black employees on average than companies that didn’t take any public stance. That comes despite the supporting companies making a combined $4.6 billion in financial commitments to the cause.

As Bloomberg reports:

A new study of diversity in the technology industry found companies that made statements of solidarity had 20% fewer Black employees on average than those that didn’t. The finding highlights a gap between what companies say about social issues and what they do in their own workplaces, said Stephanie Lampkin, the founder and chief executive officer of Blendoor, which conducted the study.

I'd be far more surprised if any of them lived up to the stupidity they spout.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. Could it be these companies are more interested in producing a great product than fulfilling a diversity quota?
