Wednesday, May 05, 2021

The 1950s

Lefties often accuse those of us on the right as "wanting to return to the 1950s".  I'm not sure what they're referring to there, because it seems to me that it's the left that wants to return to the 1950s--confiscatory tax rates on some, mass unionism, and segregated education:

Like several people in my private chats, I reacted to the deceptively simple question asked in a new piece by Fordham senior fellow Robert Pondiscio. 

He wonders aloud: “I believe ‘anti-racism’ is misguided. Can I still teach Black children?”

Speaking only for my family, and assuming some degree of choice exists for us in the matter that makes the question relevant, our answer is complementary in its simplicity. 


When I hear white educators and education reform advocates ask if they can refute anti-racism and still teach Black children, my ears quickly translate the query into a far more troubling question.

What I hear is “can I remain solidly within the status quo of the white chauvinism that has harmed nonwhite people throughout the ages, and still qualify to teach—on my terms, without challenge to my racial beliefs—the descendants of America’s formerly enslaved people?”

“Can I teach girls if I truly believe a woman’s place is in the home?”

“Can I teach Ojibwe children if I believe Indian boarding schools weren’t entirely bad?” 

“Can I teach immigrants if I believe they hail from shithole countries?”

If nothing else, this exposes a difference of opinion on what a teacher is and what qualifies them to teach.

Philosophical loyalty oaths.  Sheesh.

Keep in mind that it was only recently that California removed from Education Code the prohibition against teachers being Communist Party members.  You can be a Communist, but in this guy's opinion, you can't question race-hustlers.


  1. Meanwhile I just came across this story from Breitbart. It seems the heads of the three largest school districts in the nation have resigned. Those districts are Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City. I'm sure their pensions will continue to cover their luxe lifestyles. Meanwhile why would they leave such cozy gigs? I think they are literally leaving sinking ships. They know the unions will not stop in their quest to impose CRT on every child and that parents are starting to wake up to the implications of having their children subjected to that. Already some districts are begging parents to bring their kids back to school because funding is attendance based.

  2. I think I should start identifying myself not as non-racist, or anti-racist, but just post-racist.
