Sunday, May 09, 2021

I Anticipate Crickets

Eleven years ago, a UK newspaper The Independent published an article entitled Snowfalls Are Now Just A Thing of The Past.  Fast-forward to last Friday:

Following its coldest APRIL since 1922, England is now on for its coldest MAY since record-keeping began some 362 years ago–since the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715)...

“Snow in May,” reports the BBC.

“Lake District skiers ‘giddy’ in unseasonal weather,” continues the headline.

Snow started falling on Tuesday, May 4, and was deep enough by Wednesday to allow the Lake District Ski Club to open its slopes. Members were “giddy” at the unusual sight of snow-covered mountains in May, according to club president Mike Sweeney. “I haven’t seen snow at this time of year before,” he said.

The priests of the Church of Global Warming will say, "That's weather, not climate!"  Uh huh.  Weather isn't climate, but it would be if this were the hottest May on record.

Why anyone would choose to believe the global warming charlatans is far beyond me.


  1. Anna A3:31 AM

    Darren, don't you know that it is now "Climate Change" which means every data point works.

    Sigh, I wonder if this is the kind of science that we will get, if the anti-white racism succeeds in schools.

  2. Whenever someone starts preaching at me from the works of Al Gore, I ask them to explain the Dust Bowl. That usually shuts them up.

  3. Hoping snowflakes will soon be a thing of the past.

  4. Ellen: I'm waiting for Al Gore to turn to the cameras, cackle maniacally, and say, "I got mine, suckers!!"
