Monday, May 03, 2021

Here's The Education Too Many Students Have Received The Last Year

It's not impressive:

Students at a Virginia fifth grade classroom told President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden Monday that virtual learning gave them the chance to eat, take naps, and even fake technical glitches in order to avoid answering questions.

The school, Yorktown Elementary School, is now open four days per week, with students attending Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Students don't come to class Wednesday so the school can be cleaned. 

One said, "if we were really tired, we could like take a little nap." Another said, "sometimes when Ms. B was like paying attention to something else you could eat and it was fun." Yet another student added that, "If you don't know the question, you can just pretend like your mic doesn't work."

With very few exceptions, when schools aren't open, kids don't learn.

1 comment:

  1. Keep in mind, these are ELEMENTARY age students.
    Can you even begin to imagine how much worse it was in Secondary levels?
