Wednesday, April 14, 2021

'Rona in the Mother Country

Yes, many of our rules and restrictions are insane--but the British are even worse:

Lord Sumption is an author, historian and former Supreme Court judge. He joined spiked editor Brendan O’Neill for the latest episode of The Brendan O’Neill Show. What follows is an edited extract from their conversation. Listen to the full episode here...

Lord Sumption: It’s certainly ironic that the vaccine has encouraged them to restrict freedom for longer, because they can say the end is in sight and we must hold on until we get there. They could never get away with saying the end is not in sight and we must therefore hold on indefinitely. What we have got at the moment is a desire to instil (sic) fear in people, notwithstanding the fact that the vaccine should be one of the greatest antidotes to fear. Sensible people should make their own judgments about the matter rather than listening to government representatives.

It's so bad that Mick Jagger performed a song about it:

Mick Jagger 

80.3K subscribers 

I wanted to share this song that I wrote about eventually coming out of lockdown, with some much needed optimism - thank you to Dave Grohl for jumping on drums, bass and guitar, it was a lot of fun working with you on this - hope you all enjoy Eazy Sleazy !

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