Monday, April 12, 2021

Do Students "Earn" Diplomas, Or Do School Districts "Award" Them?

We teachers think students should earn grades and earn their diplomas, too many students and parents think that grades and diplomas are entitlements.

Too many students aren't doing well in online instruction, so the Dallas ISD asked all seniors to return to school for the final 9-weeks of the year, today being the first day.  It didn't go over so well:

Monday was the start of the final nine-week grading period of the school year, a day Dallas ISD asked that all 8,800 seniors return to in-person instruction.

Prior to the request, only 44% of DISD high schoolers were attending class face-to-face, and that was only happening twice a week as classes took place on a hybrid, part-virtual schedule. DISD administrators said last week they are still working to determine how many seniors are on track to graduate on-time districtwide.

Not every student heeded the district’s call. Of Lincoln’s 144-person senior class, 107 students returned. Districtwide, 43% of seniors came to campus on Monday, with the largest turnout at Madison (95%).

43%.  What are the other 57% thinking?

Hat tip to long-time reader Ellen K.


  1. The other 57% are thinking that the district will overlook their lack of responsibility and award diplomas because, after all, "isn't COVID-19 the real villian here?"

    Any bets on this?

  2. I'm curious why Madison had a 95% return rate. I am also curious why Principle Weaver thinks seniors "deserve" a bunch of swag, prizes, and lunches just for attending school.

  3. I posted this story as well. Dallas ISD is a totally woke organization in thrall to NEA principles. Under that they kept the schools closed even as surrounding counties were opening theirs. I promise you they will simply hand off diplomas no matter whether the seniors show up and do the work or not because the collateral damage to their budgets by failing half their senior classes. The sad thing is, this is indicative of how little students value education. Keep in mind many of the same kids who were no-show Monday got free laptops and wifi hot spots courtesy of taxpayer dollars. If previous programs of such giveaways are any indicator, the district will never see many of those machines. I personally think the answer is to tell students who don't pass the state exam that they have to pay for summer school to graduated in August. No free education because you feel sorry for them, because of their demographic niche or their family's influence. These young people, the same ones Democrats want to have the vote, didn't do what they were responsible to do. At some point someone has to apply consequences because it certainly won't be parents.
