Thursday, March 25, 2021

A Person Too Stupid To Be A Headmaster

I'm sure there are countries where this wouldn't be looked at sideways, but how can anyone involved in education in the US this century not see it as problematic?

The White headmaster of a Catholic school on Long Island has resigned following reports that he had a Black student kneel in apology last month, calling it "the African way" to apologize...

In an interview with CNN on Tuesday, Paul said she noticed her son seemed sad after school one day late last month. When she asked him what happened, he told her he'd been sent to the headmaster's office for working on an assignment in his Literature class during designated reading time.
Paul said her son's teacher took the assignment, tore it up, and brought her son to the headmaster's office. Once there, Paul said, the headmaster told her son to kneel before the teacher in apology...
The headmaster, who is not being named by CNN, did not respond to requests for comment.
Not being named?  Must be a Democrat. 


  1. That headmaster was delusional. I've never heard of such a thing outside of a seminary or monastery. But then the Catholic church is only catholic in name lately. As a Lapsed Catholic myself, I'm suspect of many of the edicts issued from Rome. I'd be very curious about this headmaster(surprised at the use of that term by leftist clerics....)and whether this is a valid complaint or just another of the many racist hoaxes that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson like to use to raise money. What this DOES do is scare minority parents away from private schools that are affordable and keep them within the grasp of the NEA controlled public education system. Wheels within wheels.

  2. Peggy U2:28 PM

    Must be a Democrat. I feel bad for that student. Designated reading time? Isn't that the same as study hall? At least he was doing school work!
