Wednesday, February 10, 2021

What Does Having Students "Back In School" Mean To You?

Do you want kids back in school?  This is the president's idea of "back in school":

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked Tuesday to clarify President Joe Biden’s plan to reopen K-8 schools within 100 days of his presidency.

At an afternoon press conference, a reporter asked Psaki to "help us understand" the White House’s or the president’s definition of "open school."

"Does it mean teachers in classroom teaching students in classrooms or does it just mean kids in classrooms with a remote screen? Help us understand," he asked.

Psaki said Biden’s goal was to have a "majority of schools" – meaning more than 50% – open by day 100 of his presidency, which would be April 30.

"That means some teaching in classrooms. So at least one day a week, hopefully it’s more. And obviously, it is as much as is safe in each school and local district," Psaki said.

The reporter asked Psaki what she meant by "some teaching," to which Psaki replied: "teaching at least one day a week in the majority of schools by day 100." 

One day a week is "back in school".  Well, problem solved.  Good job, Joe.


  1. "Back in school" means NYC Public re-opens the buildings and allows some unclassified students to attend in person.

    Teachers here have to be in the building if not out sick/quarantine/vacation. Lots of bad press initially when some made it clear they were teaching from their second homes out of state.

    As far as 'back in school'....there has to be a warning so that those who went 'home' have time to return before state and federal $$ that are distributed based on headcounts are locked in. If state and fed continue to underfund special ed mandates, things are going to get tough without all the headcount from the dual citizens and international students...reg ed here was already cut to essential classes, no more funding to take from their bucket.

  2. One day a week in a "majority of schools" could mean as little as 50.0000001% of schools. Rounding that to 50% and the requirement of 1 day per 5 day week (20%) means that the Nation's children can be in school for 10% of the time and the President's goal is met.

    Setting a high bar there aren't you Mr. President?
