Monday, January 25, 2021

What Isn't Racist In The Eyes of Crazy Leftists?

Why should we believe science! if science! is raaaaaaacist?

University of Rhode Island and Director of Graduate Studies Erik Loomis recently claimed “science, statistics and technology” are racist.

“Science, statistics, and technology are all inherently racist because they are developed by racists who live in a racist society, whether they identify as racists or not,” Loomis tweeted in reference to a New York Times article.

We don't refute people like this.  We mock them.  And we pity the students in their classes.


  1. So what is Comrade Loomis' background?
    labor and environmental history of the United States
    global capitalism
    U.S. West

    Ph.D., University of New Mexico, 2008
    M.A., University of Tennessee, 1999
    B.A., University of Oregon, 1996

    Isn't he aware that each and every one of his fancy degrees are racist because they were given to him by a racist society?

    Nothing like an Academic to say stupid things...and then teach them.
    Higher Ed is dead... it's just a zombie now.

  2. Anna A3:22 AM

    When is Erik going to move to a cabin in the woods that he built with his own hands. I think that it should be in the South since so many of our traditional foods were imported originally from Africa. But then, he might not want to eat them because of their connection to slavery.
