Saturday, January 23, 2021

This Man is Pathetic.

And a lot of people voted for him.  Maybe they believed him--but if they did, they're no smarter than he is.




  1. Because it is sort of related:

    California is dead last in distributing available vaccines.

  2. Ah, but he's NOT MEAN ORANGE DIVIDING MAN WHOM MEDIA ALWAYS TELLS BAD STORIES ABOUT... and so we got Zhou Bi Den and his handlers.

  3. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Two things can be true at the same time. We had an off-putting blowhard in office (although I agreed with many of his policies), replaced by another off-putting blowhard (who has yet to do one thing I agree with).

  4. But Orange Cheeto Man still had to go...because...reasons (he said mean things! He didn't play nice with others! Etc.)
    What a travesty.

  5. Chill Dude,
    I have no problem with the new guy as long as I don't have to see his face, hear his voice, or be subject to any of his lies and/or policies. Live and let live!
