Thursday, January 21, 2021

They Just Don't See The Irony

From the major Sacramento newspaper:

An incident involving the Confederate flag resulted in disciplinary action at a Rocklin area high school.

A Whitney High School student had the flag displayed on their vehicle, Whitney High School Principal Justin Cutts told families Wednesday. He said any clothing or vehicles depicting the controversial flag on campus is a violation of the Rocklin Unified School District’s freedom of speech and expression board policy.

Controversial?  I know some of you readers weren't born yet in 1992, but I had voted in a couple presidential elections by then, and I recall when a couple of Southern boys had pins and signs like this.  Those Democrats must have been true racists, no?  Couldn't have had anything to do with being from the South or just being a generic rebel, could it?

OK, the last sentence quoted above does make the school principal sound kinda stupid--and rightly so.  But I'll admit, there's "clarification" in the article:

“At Whitney High School, we strive to develop learning communities respectful of each and every member of this campus and to many, the Confederate flag undermines the values of inclusiveness and equity,” Cutts said. “We respect the rights of individuals to express their views however, those views and expressions may directly conflict with our legal obligation to ensure a non-discriminatory and non-harassing environment for our students and staff.”

I'll bet they wouldn't ban a "Free Tibet" sign/shirt/flag.  Or, more likely, "Free Palestine", either.  

No one thought the Clinton-Gore team was racist for using that flag, and no black Americans spoke out in protest over it.  In fact, President Clinton was proclaimed our "first black president".

So what's the explanation?  Politics.  That's all this is. 

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