Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Riot at the Capitol

To be honest, I have some sympathy for rioters at the Capitol.  Remember how the entirely peaceful protests of the Tea Party were intentionally misportrayed and maligned by the news media and the left (but I repeat myself), while 2020's destructive riots were described as "mostly peaceful"?  The half of the country with my political beliefs is constantly attacked, but we've taken it.  Well, especially after this past summer's condoned riots and November's stolen election (yes, I believe that), I might be forgiven for being tired of playing by Marquess of Queensbury rules and for supporting showing the other side what it looks like when you're on the receiving end of "social discontent".

I can absolutely agree with the following:

With 40% of the country thinking the election was stolen, this was to be expected — especially after the unified voice of the media saying for years that if you feel disenfranchised it’s okay to riot. Our ruling class, and particularly our media, have been playing with fire for years and I hope that this will be enough to shock them into more sensible behavior.

If we're going to water the Tree of Liberty, better to do it now than later.  Problems like this only get worse with time.

Update, 1/7/21:  See what Slow Joe Biden had to say at

He’s right. 

First, he wouldn’t have called them “thugs”.  Second, they’d have had complete media and Democrat complicity.  Third, celebrities would bail them out of jail.

So he’s right, things would have been different if BLM people had stormed the Capitol. How do I know this?  Because I watched it happen all summer.

House Dems Unanimously Block Resolution Condemning Violence and Rioting

Update #2, 1/7/21:  

  Update #3, 1/8/21:  Nancy Pelosi encourages "uprisings":

And maybe people have forgotten this from 4 years ago: