Saturday, January 30, 2021

I Wonder Why They Don't Want Testing

Without testing, we won't know which students need which additional help after not having been in school a year.

Without testing, even the best students won't know how far behind they are.

We're supposed to account for "learning loss", but how can we identify "learning loss" without testing?

A Call to Waive 2021 Assessments

CTA, educators say standardized tests would be detrimental to students, of little use to schools

I'm sure lefties don't want such testing in part because it will show the result of their disastrous shutdown/lockdown policies, especially on those they claim to want to help the most.

Such testing should be done as soon as schools are fully reopened.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:46 PM

    All our children are above average!

    -- Ann in L.A.
