Tuesday, January 12, 2021

I Don't Think So, Tim.

If you recognize the line in the title, you watched excellent television in the 1990s!

Regular readers will know that I took a Calculus for Bio/Medicine course at a community college last semester, in part to refresh my knowledge of calculus.  I've signed up for the 2nd semester course and just read the instructor's syllabus.

No mention of Zoom meetings (or video recordings thereof)--is the instructor even teaching?  GROUP QUIZZES.  Discussion groups--for a math class.  Homework (busywork for someone like me) counts for 20% of the overall grade.  A specific time for tests (that kinda conflicts with my work schedule).

I'm thinking of dropping this dumpster fire immediately.  This is absurd.


  1. Anna A2:45 AM

    That sounds so bad, that you would need tongs to get rid of it. I wonder how "woke" the instructor is?

    If you were planned how to set up a study to get good numbers, eliminate the ones that didn't follow protocol, etc. I can see the possible need for group work, but that is stretching it.

  2. You absolutely should. You should also ask if the teacher who taught you part 1 will be available to teach part 2 any time soon. And explain, in detail to anyone who asks, why you dropped this section.

  3. I received a response to my email. HE'S NOT EVEN TEACHING. He said I should watch the videos from the textbook publisher as he won't be posting any.

    The instructor for the last course doesn't teach this one. He wasn't great, but at least I could tolerate his "system". This new guy doesn't strike me as even earning his pay.

  4. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Is this at ARC? My classes there were the same. The professors literally don't teach at all. Must be nice to get paid to do nothing.

  5. Yes, it was. And that's crooked as heck.

    I can't get past the no teaching, the group quizzes, and the excessive valuation of homework. Course is DROPPED.

  6. PeggyU10:34 AM

    Yeah, I'd drop that like a hot potato. How do they justify even charging money for this? You'd do better just taking some self-paced open course refresher. Would that count toward ongoing education, or do you have to pay for it to make it legitimate?

  7. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I'm trying to wrap my head around how a group quiz is even supposed to work.

  8. PeggyU, for my district to approve the hours there has to be interaction with and feedback from the instructor.

    Oddly, that doesn't apply to conferences.
