Saturday, January 09, 2021

Grading Consistency

Yesterday I received an email from another math teacher, asking me to grade a student's test.  It was the last test of last semester, and the student questioned that teacher's grade--so the teacher wanted a "second opinion".  He sent me the student's test as well as the worked out solution key, but no guidance whatsoever on how much partial credit to give on problems.  All I knew was the total point value for each problem.  

So I got to work, grading the test according to my own standards.  Had I been the person grading the test for real, that test would have received a 49%.

I sent the test back to the teacher who had originally sent it to me.  He was satisfied, as by his grading the student had received a 48%.

As far as I'm concerned, that's some pretty consistent grading.

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