Thursday, December 31, 2020

Today's Liberty Bowl

 4 p.m. EST, West Virginia vs Army. Memphis, Tennessee.


It’s the great Army option rushing offense against the great Mountaineer run defense in what should be an interesting fight. West Virginia second-year head man Neal Brown was 3-0 in bowl games at Troy, but he’ll need a big day out of the NFL-caliber defensive line brother tandem of Dante and Darius Stills to slow down the Army ground attack.  link

That's exactly why this could be a fun game to watch or a disaster for Army.  It's not going to be a gimme for Army, they're going to have to play one of their best games of the year to beat West Virginia.  Sure, the Mountaineers are 5-4 vs the Black Knights' 9-2, but let's be blunt, Army played several games against significantly weaker opponents.  Army's pass rush and pass defense are going to have turn it up to 11, something we haven't seen much so far this season--although the pass defense looked good in more than a few games, it's going to have to be great in the Liberty Bowl.

I don't bet, and I don't predict--I cheer for my team.  I hope to be able to shout many times the two prettiest words in the English language:  TOUCHDOWN, ARMY!

Update:  Army was up 14-10 at the half, but games aren't decided at the half.  Both teams demonstrated that they deserved to be in a bowl game, with West Virginia winning 24-21.


  1. Anonymous5:26 AM

    How can you watch all those cheaters play football?

    Doesn't your honor code prevent you from tolerating that?

    I went to a school with a strict academic honor code and surprised that West Point's is so weak.

  2. Here you go again, talking about what you know nothing about.

    Do you know which of those players on the field was involved in the latest cheating scandal? I don't. I'm not going to denigrate the entire team because some of the players were involved in something outside of football. From what I've read, the cheating incident involved cadets who participate on any of many sports teams.

    I disagree with you the the Honor Code is weak--and ours covers a lot more than academics. The system built on top of that code, in which the superintendent exercises "discretion" and is considered a "developmental" model as opposed to an "attrition" model--well, plenty of us old grads disagree with the change from attrition to developmental. That's a matter of taste and opinion, however, not of strength of the particular model.

    Plenty of us would have been perfectly happy had the Supe allowed the 80+ cadets involved to be separated from the Academy. That he chose to keep those cadets, however, while a decision I don't agree with, I *support*. The decision is his, not mine, to make.

    If you want to focus on "tolerate", should I murder those cadets? In what way should I not *tolerate* people whose names I don't even know? Others didn't tolerate, they reported the cadets.

    I know what let's do, let's apply your "strict construction" of the Cadet Honor Code to the US Constitution, shall we?

    I'd say "good try" at your attempt to use the Honor Code against me, but that's among the cheapest things you've ever tried here. Back to your rock, troll.

  3. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I guess you haven't kept up with current events.

    17 of those football players were cheaters who were dumb enough to get caught.

    Aren't you a math teacher?

    Why do you cheer for people who cheat on math tests?

  4. Perhaps you failed to read this post:

    Are you suggesting that I shouldn't support anything at West Point because some cadets cheated? Should I hope the US loses our next war because cadets cheated? What exactly is your point? Oh, you're just trying to score points against me! Have you nothing better to do with your life than to do that?

    Back to your rock.
