Sunday, December 20, 2020

Cancelling Lincoln

And here we go:

A San Francisco district is planning to rename a school named after Abraham Lincoln because the former president did not demonstrate that 'black lives mattered to him'.

The president, who is often held up as an American hero for abolishing slavery, is just one of 44 historical figures soon to have their names scratched off schools within the San Francisco Unified School District.

Other names include George Washington, Herbert Hoover and Senator Dianne Feinstein, whose name will be stripped from the Dianne Feinstein Elementary School for allowing the Confederate flag to fly outside City Hall back in 1984 when she was mayor.  

As I read elsewhere:  I guess getting murdered by a Democrat after freeing American slaves isn't enough.   

Are black students going to magically start doing better because they won't have to see Lincoln's name on a high school anymore?  Who can live up to the ridiculous (and constantly changing) standards of the left?  Will "social justice" now rain down like manna from Heaven after all the statues are gone, the schools renamed, the history wiped?


San Francisco is doing Jefferson Davis' work for him.

1 comment:

  1. The end game here is not to build up, but just to destroy, and then the revolution comes... and whatever happens after that is unclear.
    But the revolution came, comrade, and that's what matters!
