Sunday, November 08, 2020

Yes, I Believe The Democrats Cheated

Opposition to President Trump brought the Democratic Party to banana republic levels of vote fraud.  Yes, Democrats, the rest of the world is laughing at us, but not just for the reasons you think:

"Regardless of the outcome, one thing is absolutely clear," Khamenei wrote. "The definite political, civil, & moral decline of the US regime." 

It's not often I agree with the Iranian government, but in this case they're right.

The BBC told us 4 years ago what election fraud looks like:

Watch the turnout figures ‒ they can be a big giveaway.
You never get a 98% or 99% turnout in an honest election. You just don't...
Even where the turnout is within the bounds of possibility, if the figure is wildly different from the turnout elsewhere, it serves as a warning...
And if there are more papers in the boxes than were issued by the polling staff, it is highly likely that someone has been doing some "stuffing"...
It is now standard practice to allow party agents, observers and sometimes even voters to watch the counting process and take photographs of the results sheet with their phones.
They then have proof of the genuine results from their area ‒ just in case the ones announced later by the electoral commission don't match...
Delay is certainly dangerous, fuelling rumours of results being "massaged" before release and increasing tensions, but this is not incontrovertible proof of rigging.  
Does any of this sound familiar?

And lastly, I've said in a previous post that there are certainly some statistical "anomalies".  I've heard of Benford's Law before, and here it is applied to the election results:

As the vote counting for the 2020 Presidential Election continues, various facts suggest rampant frauds in Joe Biden’s votes. So does mathematics in terms of the votes from precincts.

Benford’s law or the first-digit law, is used to check if a set of numbers are naturally occurring or manually fabricated. It has been applied to detect the voting frauds in Iranian 2009 election and various other applications including forensic investigations.

As I recall, Barack Obama's team fired a polling firm when statistics showed they were making up data.  While statistics aren't flawless, I give them a lot of weight.  And when Milwaukee County, Chicago, and Pittsburgh all look shady, well, I believe there was shade.

So I will state here, for the record, that I believe the Democrats cheated.  A Biden presidency would be illegitimate.  That doesn't mean I'm going to go burn down cities in a temper tantrum--no, Republicans don't do that.  But unity?  Coming together?  Does anyone remember "the Resistance" of the last 4 years?

If President Trump loses his legal challenges, our neo-Hindenburg president will be a disaster--not just that I'll disagree with his policies, but he will be bad for America.  Jobs, gas prices, general inflation, foreign policy, all a disaster.  Economically we had 4 years of the good life, I don't see how it can continue.

I know the lefties will enjoy their win.  They'll trash-talk--I get that, I trash-talked 4 years ago, too.  But remember the old saying:  winners never cheat.  And that's because they don't have to.  The Democrats had to.

Update:  It wasn't the Obama team that fired the polling firm Research 2000 back in 2010, it was Daily Kos who fired them.


  1. Anonymous5:58 AM

    So a kid who cheats in your classroom faces stiffer consequences from you than a political party who cheats in an election?

  2. Ruth Joy10:08 AM

    You should post on parler!
    Ruth Joy on parler as ruthjoy183.

  3. Anonymous: since there *is* a consequence for cheating in my classes, the answer is yes.

    Ruth Joy: I was never on Twitter, and I think I'll keep my social media to this blog and Instagram pictures. Life is much nicer that way!

  4. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Just to make sure I understand -- there was cheating in the states Trump lost, but not in the states he won? Sounds legit.

  5. If you think my side cheated, present your evidence. There are now sworn affidavits from Nevada and Michigan detailing voter fraud:

  6. Saw this on Benford's Law over at Instagram:

  7. Yikes! State Department Precedent Qualifies This 2020 Election as "Rigged"

  8. Anna A2:46 AM


    You don't have to know much about statistics, to be wary when 100% of the found votes and the computer errors are in the same direction. I've been a QC person long enough to be wary of anything that consistent.

  9. Anonymous1:10 PM

    To a hammer everything is nail, I suppose.

  10. Pro-Biden Bug Also Suspected in Georgia’s Vote-Counting Software. “A curious thing happened as Fulton County, Ga., election officials counted mail-in ballots at Atlanta’s State Farm Arena in the days after the election. In the early hours of Nov. 5, a surge of some 20,000 mail-in votes suddenly appeared for Joe Biden, while approximately 1,000 votes for President Trump mysteriously disappeared from his own totals in the critical swing state, where Biden holds a razor-thin lead.”
    (I got the link from

  11. "But last year, three Democrat senators, including former presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) and Amy Klobuchar (Minn.), sounded the alarm about the vulnerabilities of voting machines.

    "In a December 6, 2019, letter, Warren, Klobuchar, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wisc.), issued a formal complaint about these three companies, which they said 'threaten the integrity of our elections.'"

  12. How curious that, as Baris notes, “Trump won the largest non-white vote share for a Republican presidential candidate in 60 years. Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.”

  13. The Dems may get away with it, but let's not pretend it didn't happen:

  14. Anonymous6:10 PM

    You're such a transparent partisan hack. I hope you can navigate your way through your five stages of Trumpian denialism. But I doubt you will. You so enjoy stewing in the indignant outrage. Nothingburger snoozefest. Enjoy life on your shrinking island. But don't expect anyone to take this laugh factory seriously.

  15. Coming from someone who screamed Russia!Russia!Russia! for 3 years with 0 evidence and who believed "The Resistance" was important and valuable, you'll have to forgive me for not taking you as seriously as you take yourself.

  16. "But, Joe Biden's problems are not simply because many Republicans believe the election was stolen. It's true that the poll showed a significant partisan divide on this issue: 75 percent of Republicans believe it is very likely (61 percent) or somewhat likely (14 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump. But, according to the poll, while 69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all likely (61 percent) or not very likely (8 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump, 30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely (20 percent) or somewhat likely (10 percent) that it was.

    "Let me repeat, nearly a third of Democrats believe it is likely that the election was stolen from President Trump. That's a remarkable number. Huge, in fact."
