Saturday, November 07, 2020


 When I got home from work on Thursday, nothing seemed unusual.  I'd relax, which a documentary or two, then go to bed.  Everything normal.

Then I checked my email. I'd gotten one of those "you have a new relative" emails from 23&Me.  A woman from San Luis Obispo, who genetically appears to be a 2nd cousin of mine (we share the same great-grandparents), had messaged me to find out what I knew about our shared relatives because her dad's birth certificate says "father unknown".  Family talk had a name for this biological grandfather of hers.

That name, and the genetic map from 23&Me, point to my grandmother's younger brother.  

So I started texting my mother, as this "unknown" man would be her uncle.  Then we switched to the phone.  The call ended close to midnight.

I was tired yesterday, as you might imagine, since I wake up at 5am!  I didn't stay very late at 7th Period (our term for happy hour), coming home early.  When I started dozing off while watching tv, I decided just to turn the thing off and go to bed.  That was shortly after 8 pm!

Woke up around 6 this morning.  Sleep is wonderful!

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