Sunday, November 29, 2020

Rules vs. Suggestions

From California's 'rona web site:

All individuals living in the State of California are currently ordered to stay home or at their place of residence, except for permitted work, local shopping or other permitted errands, or as otherwise authorized (including in the Questions & Answers below)...

Stay in your county if you can. Don’t drive more than 2-3 hours.  

Huh?  What's the science! behind the 2-3 hour limit?  How will it be enforced?  (Hint:  it won't.)

If you arrive in California from other states or countries, including returning California residents, you should practice self-quarantine for 14 days after arrival. You should also limit your interactions to your immediate household. This recommendation does not apply if you cross state or country borders for essential travel. 

Should quarantine?  It's a suggestion?  Then no, I decline your suggestion.  And why quarantine if you're traveling for pleasure but not if your travel was considered "essential"?  Does the virus know your reason for travel?

Considering the virulent stupidity of California's 'rona regulations--which have been flying at us fast and furious since March--I can only wonder this:


  1. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Data showing that masking works:

    As you may know, masking is also recommended by several public health experts across several countries, common sense, and even your own Alma Mater!

  2. My recent favorite is L.A. county restricting *outdoor* gyms to 50% capacity. Since "capacity" is based on fire codes, and generally doesn't apply to anything outdoors, this is utterly meaningless.

    I am beginning to find the stupidity of bureaucrats to be a heartening sign of our current times. The more people see how stupid our government class really is, hopefully, the more wary they will be of government power.

    Of course, we have to overcome the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect, and people have to apply what they learned about government incompetence in 'rona lockdowns to all other aspects of government.

  3. The folks at my Alma Mater follow DoD orders.

    As for your so-called study--the graphs haven't changed before/after mask mandates, and more people are wearing masks now than ever before and still we hear about increases. If you're trying to keep people from getting sick, you're on a fool's errand. If you're trying to keep people from dying, focus on those who are vulnerable. If *you* want to wear a mask, feel free--I get to think you're a fool, but neither of us harms the other. The harm comes when idiots try compulsion.

  4. Anonymous10:03 AM

    There are no RCTs that show mask-wearing results in a statistically significant reduction in the transmission of viral infection.

    Face diapers are about compliance and psychological manipulation. Wear one if you insist, but stop pretending that "science" or "health" undergird your decision.

    If you're concerned about protecting yourself from "covid" and want to double the effectiveness of wearing a mask, be sure to carry your lucky rabbit's foot as well.

  5. Yeah, I'm always boggled at people in any state who are hiding in their house going nowhere. I've had a great year, traveling all over the place. I'm currently on vacation in a condo, teaching class. I go to stores all the time when at home, any restaurant brave enough to open.

    I'm furious at the shutdown, but even more surprised at all the people who think they're required to stay at home.
