Monday, November 30, 2020

Politics in Academia

None of this surprises me at all:

Politics in Academia: A Case Study. Which values matter most to professors? Researchers at the State University of New York at New Paltz surveyed nearly 200 academics around the country and found variations according to the professors’ gender, political ideology, and department. Females, liberals, and professors of education prioritized prioritized social justice and students’ emotional well-being; males, conservatives and business professors prioritized academic rigor and knowledge advancement.


  1. Herp derp...what would we ever do without studies like this!
    And these folks get paid to do this research... man, I'm in the wrong gig...

  2. Anna A3:00 AM

    I read/skimmed the paper and found it quite interesting. I was slightly surprised that business professors were more knowledge advancement and academic rigor than the sciences.

    I wonder what the correlation would be if work outside of academia, was factored in, specifically professional jobs. (I may have missed it, though)
