Thursday, November 19, 2020

More Science! In the Fight Against The 'Rona

I never in my most dystopian nightmares dreamed I'd live in a society where this could happen:
Nearly all Californians will be subject to a 10 p.m. curfew starting Saturday in an effort to curb spiking coronavirus infections, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office announced Thursday afternoon.

The curfew, which administration officials are calling a limited stay-at-home order but affects 94% of state residents, will cover only nonessential activities and will be in place nightly from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.

People will still be allowed to perform essential tasks like walking their dog, picking up prescriptions at the pharmacy or getting takeout at restaurants, Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly said. But nonessential businesses and activities will be prohibited. For example, restaurants will have to close their outdoor dining by 10 p.m. ...

The state plans to leave enforcement to local governments at first, Ghaly said. Some local elected officials are already balking at the order. Sacramento and El Dorado sheriff’s offices said they won’t enforce it.
FYI, Sacramento County is where Gruesome Newsom works. El Dorado County is the county in which he lives.
“Activities you normally do are higher risk today than they were a month ago,” because more people are infected across the state, Ghaly said during a press conference announcing the curfew. “This is going to help us stop the surge faster and avoid more severe restrictions.”

The goal is to curb spread of the coronavirus by reducing gatherings at night when most activities that take place are nonessential. By issuing the curfew now, Ghaly said the state hopes to keep case rates from escalating out of control and overwhelming hospitals.

For those of you for whom science! is so important, I have to ask:  where is the science! showing that at 10pm-5am curfew will have any effect?  What data is telling us that any measurable number of transmissions is occurring at night?  Is there any data showing differences in the numbers of cases before and after curfews were imposed in other jurisdictions?

It's good that county sheriffs are elected in California and don't report to the governor.  In many cases they may be our last line of defense against the tyranny of those who live to impose their will on the rest of us.  After that?  Gawd, I hope it's not civil war.


  1. THE DATA DOESN’T FIT “THE SCIENCE”: Lockdown Addicts. A new — and impressively huge — study of a natural experiment in Sweden shows that closing schools does practically nothing to save lives or stop the spread of Covid. Swedish economists compared Covid infection rates and medical records for all the parents (hundreds of thousands) at senior high schools, which went online during the spring pandemic, against the parents at junior high schools, which stayed open and did not encourage students or teachers wear face masks.

    The parents whose children kept going to school were no more likely to be treated or hospitalized for Covid than were the parents of the online students. And the teachers who remained in the classroom had lower rates of infection and hospitalization than did the parents.

    A study of this quality ought to be the final word on the subject. But as I write at City Journal, it doesn’t fit “the science” that’s guiding Joe Biden’s Covid advisory board — and the Democratic politicians eager for more lockdowns.

  2. Apples and oranges. These schools aren't full inclusion, as they are in NY. Have the districts here finished negotiating with the various unions to provide the clean up for the bodily fluids? Do they have sufficient supplies? How many adults, who spend their weekends partying, are in the classroom? How many students who live in one family per bedroom conditions, while the adults work for employers who aren't social distancing? How many who do not routinely wash their hands? Or send their children to school with a dose of fever reducer? How many schools are doing what the employers are doing, providing handwashing opportunities to students before they eat?

  3. What schools aren't full inclusion?

    Schools in El Dorado County have been open for awhile.

    Seems to me you're just throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks. There's no evidence supporting school closures. None. Anywhere in the world.

  4. A new study published by Frontiers in Public Health concluded that neither lockdowns nor lockdown stringency were correlated with lower death rates.
