Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Might Do Something I've Never Done Before

I might stay up and watch election returns tonight.  I missed the excitement of 2016, maybe tonight will be the same.

Update, before 5pm PST:  Well, that didn't last long.  Maybe it's too early, but it was too much talking and maybe-ing and not enough information.  I'll find out in the morning.

Update #2, 7:45pm PST:  I'm so tired that I'm going to bed.  Guess I'll find out in the morning how things went--things look pretty even right now, as both sides have "pathways to 270".  Here's hoping my guy wins!

Update #3, 6:30am PST:  Considering how things look this morning, it's probably good that I got what restless sleep I did!  The only good news seems to be that Republicans are going to hold the Senate and might even increase their numbers in the House.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to this night for 4 years, Darren. I couldn't be more excited, and I have never been this scared for returns. It'll be dramatic regardless of the outcome, so glad you're tuning in. Republicans need these wins more than ever. Glad to see your blog still going strong!
