Monday, November 09, 2020

Hoping It's A Smooth Week At Work

With Veterans Day occurring on Wednesday, we get Wednesday off instead of a long weekend.  In previous years, the week of Veterans Day has included an "optional professional development day", where anyone who wanted a couple hundred extra dollars could get it by attending some (usually worthless) training put on or paid for by our district.  No optional PD day this Friday, but no work for secondary teachers, either.  Yay us!  (Elementary teachers will get the first Monday after New Years off, but it will be a "grading final exams and submitting grades" day for secondary teachers--so it all evens out.)

So I only work Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday this week.  It's finally feeling like autumn around here, with a small probability of rain this Friday.  I think I'll go back up to Apple Hill on Friday.

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