Tuesday, October 20, 2020

You've Heard of the "Freshman 15"?

Well I've gained the COVID 19.  At least.

Put on a pair of jeans today that I hadn't worn since school closed back in March.  I'd like to believe that not wearing them caused the waistline to shrink, a lot, but I'm guessing that's probably not what happened.

1 comment:

  1. I actually lost a couple pounds, but it required real intentionality and restraint.

    When we went into quarantine, I made a concerted, even more rigid, effort to maintain my routines. So, that meant no processed sugar or empty carbs from Sunday to Thursday. On those days, it's also no snacking, just regular mealtimes, and intermittent fasting (no breakfast) on Mon/Tue. Then I relax come Fridays (sometimes Thur evening).

    I also maintained and amped up the workout schedule, but had to get creative after losing access to the gym and pool. And because I used to get 10-12K steps a day on our 80-acre campus, I had to work neighborhood walks into my days where I was stuck in front of a computer or on the phone most of the day.
