Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Latest Quiz

The most recent test isn't due until Friday night, but my instructor has already posted another quiz!

Fortunately I turned in the test a day or so ago, and I finished the quiz tonight.  I'll look it over for errors over the next couple days, and then turn it in early.

I don't know why he's doing this, but test/quiz directions now say to show all work "as shown in class".  He knows that 2 of us in the class are math teachers, and the other teacher currently teaches calculus.  I'm in the course for a review, as it's been 35 years since I've been in a calculus class--but I have to do everything exactly his way, including his formatting?  That's not cool.  He should be able to look at my work, see if it's mathematically valid or not, and grade it accordingly.  But he's the instructor *sigh*


  1. Anonymous8:52 PM

    He's probably using PhotoMath to do his answers, and yours has to match. Otherwise, he'd have to do work.

    -- Ann in L.A.
