Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Submission Muzzles

We're getting to the point where you can pretty much take any person under 70 and know how they're going to vote in the upcoming election based solely on how they feel about wearing masks in public.  Does anyone care about evidence anymore?  What does the math say?

Science would indicate that you should believe the data, not your intuition:

So, the question is, do masks prevent the spread of COVID-19? The best way to answer this question is to look at how mask mandates have impacted infection rates. So, let’s do that...

In case it isn’t obvious, these charts fail to show any correlation between mask mandates (which presumably increase the wearing of masks) and reductions in COVID-19 infections. If you look at all of the available charts over at Rational Ground, you’ll see there are some instances of infection rates declining after a mask mandate was imposed, but those mandates were put in place after infection rates were already on the decline.

The graphs are pretty telling.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know. I do know I'd rather not be in spittin' distance of someone infected, whether its whooping cough, tuberculosis, flu, pneumonia, or covid19. If it takes a mask and a six foot pole to get them to keep their germs to themselves, I'm for it. Many of them have had decades of refusing to stay home when they know they are sick.
