Sunday, October 18, 2020

Some Teachers Are Idiots

 I implied in a post earlier today that I don't believe for a second that most, or even many, of America's teachers are racists.  Many of them are, however, blatantly anti-conservative, and that causes some of them to do really stupid things.  Oh look, here's an example:

Take, for example, a woman who was teaching a seventh-grade class for O'Maley Innovation Middle School in Gloucester, Massachusetts...

"The teacher asked, 'Who supports Donald Trump?'" Jackson recalled to WHDH-TV. "And I was the only one to raise my hand."

He noted to WBZ that "a few kids were going to raise their hands, but then they heard the teacher say to me, 'Oh Mr. Jackson, I thought I liked you.'"

It got worse.

"Then she asked why I support a racist and a pedophile," he noted to WHDH.

Jackson added to the station that "she also said, 'I am ashamed of any woman who voted for Donald Trump,' and I told her my mom and one of my grandmothers voted for Donald Trump."

Other kids in the class smelled blood — and apparently his teacher did, too.

"I was just upset because other kids in the class were ganging up on me, laughing at me, and she was laughing and wouldn't say anything to them," Jackson noted to WHDH.

I'll bet this teacher would claim she strongly opposes bullying, too, but let's continue:

Once Jackson's family found out what went down in his class, they fought back.

They contacted a First Amendment attorney and asked the school for an apology, WBZ said — and got one.

Jackson told WHDH that the teacher later apologized to him in front of the entire class, and he said that helped...

Gloucester Public Schools Superintendent Ben Lummis told WHDH he was disappointed after first hearing about the incident.

When teachers act like this, it makes us all look bad.  



  1. An apology was the only thing they wanted?
    That teacher is very lucky to get off so easily.
    I personally would have wanted a bit more, but then again I'm not in the situation so I don't know the teacher or the family.

  2. For far too many of our schools, education has been replaced by socialization and political indoctrination. The very fact that this teacher felt comfortable enough to make these statements to a student demonstrates this fact. Could it be that in this the teacher's mind this student holds views that needs to be cleansed from our society? I am not sure. But it seems that this is not the first student that the teacher has had this type of interaction with, and I doubt that it will be the last.

  3. "Could it be that in this the teacher's mind this student holds views that needs to be cleansed from our society? I am not sure."

    I am.
