Friday, October 02, 2020

Remember When We Used To Eat In Restaurants?

A couple of us went to lunch today, and we ate inside a restaurant--something I hadn't done since going to Nevada in early August.  Granted, most of the tables were blocked off, but we were inside.  Even with the blocked tables, the restaurant was unfortunately not at capacity.

Several of us met after school for 7th period today.  Again, inside a restaurant.

A friend told me about his experience visiting Carmel over the last couple of days.  His wife worked at a restaurant there when she was 17 or so, so whenever they visit Carmel they go and eat at that restaurant.  I guess they're still eating outside in Monterey County, and the owner of the restaurant told them that an inspector from the county health department comes by periodically with his tape measure to ensure that chairs outside are far enough apart.  The space available outside allows him only 8 customers at a time.  How can a restaurant stay open with only 8 customers?  Answer:  it can't.  Pre-'rona, the restaurant was grossing $60K a month, lately it's been grossing $14K.  They're shutting down permanently in 2 weeks, after having been in business over 30 years.

Remember:  it's not Donald Trump who has shut down California's businesses.  It's not even someone with an (R) after his name.


  1. There is a restaurant near here which has always been mostly a chairs-outside place. But this being the heart of the entertainment industry, they went to a Hollywood supply place and got a fan which must have diameter around five feet. Now, in addition to having tables outside, they blow a current of air past the tables. It's a nice touch.

  2. But they're blowing the 'rona to everyone!!!

  3. Unless you have the table next to the Fan!
