Sunday, October 11, 2020

More Double Standards

From Oklahoma State:

After Ohio State University students protested following the university publishing information regarding two Black hate crime suspects, as it is required to do under federal law, it is now attempting to assuage the anger of protesters, saying that "derogatory terms against Whites do not have the same impact as they may to marginalized groups."

As reported by Campus Reform, the university sent out a public safety notice to students on September 3 and mentioned a "hate crime" was committed by two African-American suspects near Ohio State's campus. The races of the suspects, now identified as Jarylle Walker and Tereishia Finney, were mentioned by the university in its initial communication to students, but it did not at first acknowledge the victims' race. 

A few days after the initial email was sent, the university revealed that the victims of the crime are White, and that one suspect had punched a student in the face and yelled a racial slur. At the time, University Police Chief Kimberly Spears-McNatt stated, according to The Lanternthat the university is required to report information regarding hate crimes under the federal Jeanne Clery Act, which “requires colleges and universities that receive federal funding to disseminate a public annual security report,” as well as specify policies about crime reporting...

After students complained and protested outside of the school's administrative offices, OSU Director of Public Safety Monica Moll released a statement explaining that the department recognizes derogatory terms used against White people "do not have the same impact" they do on marginalized groups.

So it's ok then.  

I thought such "bullying" behavior hurt everyone?  My bad.  *snort*


1 comment:

  1. Anna A3:32 AM

    Darren, don't you know that Blacks can't be racist. Only the powerful can be. So even a person from the poor part of Appalachia is far more powerful than a Black person whose parents are professionals and who had every advantage. Sarc/off.
