Sunday, October 04, 2020

I'm Glad I've Never Joined

They've done weird things before, but now they've totally jumped the shark:

The Mathematical Association of America released a statement Friday claiming both that mathematicians should engage in “uncomfortable conversations” about race, and that policies of from the Trump administration, like the lack of a mask mandate in the United States, are somehow an affront to mathematics. The group concludes with a call for a “pursuit of justice” within math. 

This is what happens when you let politics cloud your judgement.  You embarrass yourself.


  1. O'Sullivan's law strikes again:
    Any organization or enterprise that is not expressly right wing will become left wing over time.

  2. Wow. I just received a letter from this organization last week asking me to join. I had never heard of them so I trashed the letter. Glad I did.

  3. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I belong to the American Modeling Teachers Association which is a high calibre professional development organisation for Physics, Chemistry, and Biology teachers. I have been a long time member and they are now the latest respectable science organisation to join "The Church of Woke".

    Every other topic of their webinars focuses almost exclusively on race and gender. They even have the BLM logo on their main page and their board and executive officers are mostly "well-intentioned white liberal women" who keep pushing the "uncomfortable conversations" and "anti-racism" rhetoric on all of us. Over the summer, they had a workshop on equity and diversity where on the zoom call, they said that teachers should treat minority students as "victims of trauma". This was recorded and posted for the world to see. Just last month, someone posted something about recruiting teachers to fill out a survey for a panel of educators on the listserv. That email was met with a response from a leftist member saying "if you are a white person being invited to a panel, only to realize it is an all-white panel (or a man invited to an all-male panel... or both!), it is good to have thought ahead of time how you want to respond. (And being a group of mainly high school teachers, the AMTA membership is sure to be mostly white folks.)" I have no idea what race or gender has to do with filling out a survey?!

    The organisation now wants us to incorporate conversations about race in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in an effort to teach anti-racism. I'm unimpressed and disappointed in the direction they have taken and will not be renewing my membership.

    Apparently, you can't escape this bunk that whites are inherently racist and minority are perpetual victims of said whites. This rubbish is rising in popularity and I do not see it coming to an end.
