Saturday, October 31, 2020

Electric Cars

In the green Democratic People's Republic of Kalifornia, if the wind doesn't blow, there's no electricity.  If the wind blows too much, there's no electricity.  If the sun doesn't shine, there's no electricity.  If the sun shines too much, there's no electricity.

But we're going to ban internal combustion engine cars.  

So, about those electric cars:


Where does the electricity for those electric cars come from, anyway?  It's certainly not from nuclear plants.


  1. Not to mention all the fun that happens once the battery reaches its service life. How much to replace those batteries, if you want to keep the car?
    And those old batteries...where are you going to put those big lumps of acid and heavy metal? But with a bit of handwavium they just ignore the long term problem in favor of short term virtue signaling.
    Same problem (among many) with solar energy -- what is mined to produce the panels? How long do the panels last? and when the panels have reached the end of their service life, what do we do with them?

  2. Anna A2:45 AM

    Don't forget about the battery disposal problems, either.
