Sunday, September 13, 2020

When "Hate Whitey" Training Comes To My School...

 ...I'm going to ask if all black lives matter or only the score or so unarmed ones shot by police each year in a country of with approximately 43 million black Americans.  I'm going to ask if burning down black neighborhoods and businesses is the road to "justice".  I'm going to ask if ridding poor minority neighborhoods of police is going to help the people living in those neighborhoods.  I'm going to ask if acting like savages is the going to bring any sympathy to their cause:

Late Saturday night, news broke that an unidentified gunman ambushed and shot two Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies while they sat in their patrol vehicle. The deputies were taken to a nearby hospital and their condition is unknown. Late Saturday night they were reportedly “fighting for their lives,” having been shot in the head.

Overnight, things took an even darker turn.

Black Lives Matter protesters made it clear that to them the deputies’ lives do not matter, nor do the lives of anyone in the hospital where the deputies are being cared for. They aligned with the cowardly gunman, celebrating the shooting.

The BLM protesters gathered at the hospital and chanted “We hope they die!”

They also blocked entrances to the hospital emergency room, according to the LA County Sheriffs’ social media.

One of the deputies shot is a woman.  Add the two deputies' ages together and you still haven't reached mine.  There's no evidence that these deputies in particular, or law enforcement in general, target blacks.  Why were these two shot?

Don't try to understand it.  Don't try to get into the head of the shooter and divine some rationale.  As I've long believed, you don't try to understand crazy, you just excise it.

Like a rabid dog.

Update, 9/14/20:  I don't agree with Candace Owens that they're to blame--the person who pulled the trigger is to blame--but I agree that they're all complicit:

Why else does this happen? Because when pea-brained athletes put the name of an alleged RAPIST on their helmets and jerseys, criminals begin believing they are acting as heroes. 



  1. All through high school (until covid hit his senior year) our kid would take a Metro Expo train to school. The Sheriffs are there to keep things safe and check for tickets. They're totally chill.

    Considering the raving homeless on the transit system, and considering our kid has been witness to a fight so bad on a platform that the victim (a kid from a different high school) was out cold for a substantial length of time, they're necessary and useful.

    I wonder if either of the two who were shot last night, worked the train stations my kid used.

    -- Ann in L.A.

  2. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Candace Owens = Aunt Thomasina

  3. Dallas' mayor gets it. In a recent Dallas City Council meeting he held up a two inch thick pile of printed emails from Dallas citizens begging him to derail city council plans to defund Dallas PD by taking away all the overtime funds. They didn't listen. Never mind that the funds for 2020 are already exhausted due to a major tornado savaging half the city, COVID and a series of riots (for which the Dallas DA did nothing.)The next disaster, probably around Election Day, will probably go unchecked and people trying to vote will be assaulted all because some rich woke Democrats feel the need to virtue signal to the world. But it does get worse.Before the police chief resigned, she refused to let Dallas PD honor the five officers killed in an ambush 5 years ago while escorting many of the same protesters on a march. These protesters are the same ones who demanded Dallas build a grocery store three years ago in a "food desert" and then when the store failed because nobody shopped there, they wanted more money poured into the store. Why is there a "food desert' in that area? It is because major chains fear the frequent armed robberies and incidents of theft-none of which are prosecuted by the Dallas DA unless somebody dies. Meanwhile "the community" complains they don't have access to nice retail while at the same time they protect criminals from police. It's all a vicious cycle. And it's being played out in every city in the nation.

  4. If there's one thing lefties like "anonymous" can't handle, it's someone who think for him/herself--especially if that person is part of a group lefties see as "their own", like minorities or gays.

    Herschel Walker's black gay son? We're happy to have him as a conservative because *he thinks like we do*. We don't care about the stuff over which he has no control. Lefties sure do, though, and always have--they're still believers in the "one drop" rule.
