Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Tonight's Presidential Debate

I don't think I heard a truthful word come out of Joe Biden's mouth all night, but he sure got under the president's skin.  The President came across as flustered and angry the whole night, he has to do better in the next debate. It was not a good look, a good night, for the president.


  1. The "suburban women" demographic hates that look. He'll lose swing districts acting like that.

  2. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Trump gave a high five to the Proud Boys.

  3. Neither you nor I had ever heard of the Proud Boys until President Trump became president. It's another made-up "controversy".

    Donald Trump has been a celebrity since the early 1980s, and no one ever accused him of being a racist before he ran for president. It's the most vile of lies, and it is uttered by lefties with such ease that one wonders if any of them (specifically you) has any decency left.

    President Trump has denounced white supremacy more than once in his presidency (including in Charlottesville), but why should he have to any more? He could say it once more and it wouldn't matter to liars like you. You'll keep asking if he's stopped beating his wife yet.

    He won an Ellis Island Award in 1986.

    And then there's this:
    It turns out not everybody believes the Proud Boys are white supremacists, including a prominent Black professor at a historically Black university.

    Wilfred Reilly, associate professor of political science at Kentucky State University, said Wednesday that “the Proud Boys aren’t white supremacists,” describing the right-wing group’s beliefs as “Western chauvinist” and noting that their international chairman, Enrique Tarrio, is Black.

    “Gotta say: the Proud Boys aren’t white supremacists,” tweeted Mr. Reilly, author of “Hate Crime Hoax.”

    But it doesn't matter. You'll keep lying because that's who you are, that's what you do. You're a sick puppy, "anonymous".

    You know what the good news is, though? He's got a 3rd Supreme Court pick before inauguration day in January--and maybe another one in the next 4 years. This will be fun--but you go ahead and suggest the man is a racist or a white supremacist if it makes you feel better. The rest of us will just enjoy the popcorn.

  4. Somewhere today I read that PB has a membership which is about 10% black, which tracks relatively closely with the general population.

    Their elected international chairman of the org is a black-Cuban, combining both black and Hispanic ancestry!


  5. Is it asking too much to have just one of the three debates not moderated by a registered Democrat? my suggestion would be Mark Levin, who has experience, knowledge of the Oval Office and is conservative. It would be interesting to see what questions he would ask Joe Biden that didn't play into the DNC platform and narrative. As for Trump's "tone", as a woman I'm sick and tired of women wanting to be treated as equals but then demand every tiptoe around them as if they are fragile flowers. I've met plenty of people from NYC and all of them are aggressive, loud, brash and arrogant. It's part of their DNA. Are either of the Cuomo's any less obnoxious to question? As for the interruptions, go back and watch the debate. Biden interrupted first and Wallace interrupted second. While it's destructive to the nature of a debate to do this, given that Wallace intervened several times to coach Biden, what was Trump supposed to do? Joe Biden was only given questions that resonated with his base. I'm a suburban woman and a former teacher. I'd much rather have someone tell me the truth than fill me up with pleasant lies. The truth is our economy was on the rocks until Trump was elected. Had he not been elected my husband and I would not have been able to retire---ever. Obama's actions destroyed the telecom industry where my husband had worked for more than 20 years. Shops open for a lifetime closed up overnight b/c of the cost of Obamacare. We need to replace it.
