Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Rule Britannia

Each class period, as I check students into Zoom class one-by-one while taking roll, I have a video/song playing on my computer.  I share my screen and audio so that, as they come into class, they're greeted with a daily song.  Sometimes they like the music and sometimes they don't, but I'm old enough that they might not even know some of the songs I play!  Each day I choose a new song.

I thought it would be fun to try something a little different today, so I played this video of Rule Britannia:

I admit the verse lyrics are kind of forced (OK, more than kind of), but who doesn't love that chorus?!

Students are on "mute" when they come into class, but some have their cameras on; I could see one girl being quite animated while the video played.  She even had her mother step into the room to see what was going on.

Turns out mom is British, my student has known this song since she was young, and she and mom were singing along!

That was a fun way to start 1st period today :)  Tomorrow, classes will start with TLC's Waterfalls.

Update, 9/10/20:  I didn't remember that that TLC video had a couple racy scenes in it, scenes I could imagine would cause a Karen to call the principal and complain.  Starting with 2nd period I played a different video of the same song, a karaoke version with just the lyrics on the screen!