Monday, September 07, 2020

'Rona Shutdowns Are Political, Not Scientific

Notice the death toll from the Asian and Hong Kong flus of the 1950s and 60s.  You probably haven't even heard these described as "pandemics", even though they killed a lot more people than today's 'rona has back when there were a lot fewer people on the planet:

 There were no shutdowns back then, and yet humanity survived just fine.

1 comment:

  1. Doing the math has helped me overcome my initial fears. The likelihood of getting it is very small. Even now the concept of silent carriers is being challenged by scientists outside the US. I'm not saying it's not a dangerous disease, but I've lived through far worse outbreaks including the deadly polio outbreak of the early 60's. This idea that we have to cower in fear and wait for a cure is exposure of a culture that thinks every mistake has a do over, every accident has a safety net and that we can live forever. It just ain't so....
