Tuesday, September 01, 2020

My Feet, They're Cold

Hell must be freezing over, because famed California politician Willie Brown and I agree:

The biggest threat to a Democratic election sweep in November isn’t the Republican in the White House, but the demonstrators who are tearing up cities in the name of racial justice.

The title of his article is "Burning and looting in the name of justice will hand election to Trump", to which I can only say "from his hand to God's ears."  Brown and I are in good company in our support for non-violent protest.

The press has been saying for months that the riots are President Trump's fault.  Now they're starting to change their story, with a few Dems claiming that the riots must stop--internal polling is clearly telling them what anyone with a brain already knew, that riots don't sell in America.  And as Mini-AOC says:  

If the riots are really Trump's fault do you think Democrats would've spent the last three months calling them peaceful protests?

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