Saturday, September 26, 2020

Changing The Rules Because You're Losing The Game

 Gotta love this screenshot from Instapundit:

click to enlarge

Democrats only want to pack the Court, eliminate the Electoral College, get rid of the filibuster, and reduce from 60 to 50 the number of senators needed to confirm judges--when they're losing.  Imagine what their views on a "living Constitution" must be like!  Oh, wait, we don't have to imagine, they tell us every day.

The Founders were wise men who understood human nature--they understood that win-at-any-cost people will always be among us, and they designed our Constitution to keep those base instincts at arm's length.  Leftists, however, will do anything to undermine our constitutional safeguards--because so often, their ideas can't win on the merits.

Let's take just the Electoral College, a brilliant way to ensure that an elected president has wide appeal.  Twice in the last 20 years the winner of the electoral college was not the winner of the popular vote, and 4 times in the last 30 years the winner of the electoral college did not receive a majority of the popular vote (because of Ross Perot's 3rd party candidacy, President Clinton earned less than 50% of the popular vote in each of his electoral victories).  

As in football, the rules of electoral politics are understood before the "game" begins.  Want to eliminate the electoral college because a couple times you lost by a count that isn't even part of the rules?  It would be like scoring 3 field goals (9 pts) vs the other team's 2 touchdowns (12 pts), and complaining that since you scored more times that you should have won the game.  It's a silly, childish, undignified response, but that is what Democrats and their fellow leftists are--silly, childish, undignified, and often dangerous.

Even Democrats were aghast when President Roosevelt threatened to "pack" the Supreme Court, a view that doesn't even get a sideways glance from leftists today.  Roosevelt was against labor unions for government employees, which are now the vast majority of unionized employees in this country.  The 1996 Democratic Party platform for President Clinton's reelection bragged about putting 100,000 new police officers on the streets and explained why illegal immigration was so bad for the United States.  The Democrats have moved so far to the left.

They'll say and do whatever they need to in order to win.  They'll even threaten the country with "Vote for Biden or we'll burn the cities down".

Democrats cannot be trusted with power.  It's bad when they win, it's almost as bad when they lose.

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