Thursday, August 20, 2020

Who Bears The Lion's Share Of The Blame For The Lack Of Civility In Government Today?

Remember this quote?

“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”

That was from Hillary Clinton.  Can you imagine if Republicans said something like this?  Or said Democrats ran the car into the ditch and, while they might stand on the side of the road drinking Slurpees, they shouldn't get in the way of the people getting the car out of the ditch?  That was Barack Obama, arguably the worst president in US history--making Jimmy Carter happy, indeed.

Democrats are the ones cheering on rioting and looting in the country.

Democrats are the ones running most of the cities and many of the states that are having rioting and looting problems.

Democrats are the ones that call anyone who doesn't agree with them a "racist" or a "bigot" or a "hater".

Democrats are the ones who had a show-trial impeachment that they knew was baseless.

The Democrats are the ones who engage in conspiracy-theories worthy of Art Bell--Russian collusion, destroying the post office, the president won't leave office if he's not reelected, etc.

The Democrats are the ones who outright lie about the president, as they do when they intentionally misconstrue the president's remarks about the Charlottesville race issue and Confederate statues, and as the NYT did recently when making it appear that an FBI agent was being arrested because he was involved in Russian collusion when in fact he was arrested for faking warrants to further the fake Russian collusion narrative.

I could go on and on, but you get the point.

When you see the depth of their dishonesty and the cravenness of their tactics, maybe it's time to start believing Hillary.  Maybe we can't make peace with the other side.  And since problems and bad news seldom get better over time, maybe we should have the coming civil war now rather than later, so there will be less damage.


  1. Years ago I thought that the Democratic party was actually willing to reach across the aisle, that they were actually willing to go "halvsies" on things.
    I believe that no more -- the powers that actually run and drive the party are NOT willing to make peace, and the Republicans were much more willing to step left in the name of "getting along" (or, more likely, in the name of keeping good government jobs).

  2. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Who Bears The Lion's Share Of The Blame For The Lack Of Civility In Government Today?

    Well responsibility starts at the top. We have a president who calls names like a third grader, who belittles people and mocks a person with a disability. That;s where it starts, at the top.


  3. Richard, the problem predates President Trump. He is a symptom, not a cause.

  4. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I appreciate the civil answer. Agreed that people have been mean to each other for awhile. But when it comes from the top, from the bully pulpit, it gives cover to and encourages this behavior from all sides. You are a West Point grad. How do you feel about the commander in chief calling women nasty? Or calling the speaker of the house a sick woman with mental problems? It is one thing when some low level hothead says things like that but it is orders of magnitude more dangerous when it comes from the oval office.


  5. As I noted in my post, the last president was pretty disparaging:
    The current nastiness predates President Trump.

    You make it sound as if President Trump called all women nasty. I recall when he called Megan Markle nasty, but his meaning was that she was being nasty to him.

    As for Speaker Pelosi, well, we'll probably disagree about her. And she hasn't been very, uh, complimentary towards the president, either.
