Wednesday, August 12, 2020

School Starts Tomorrow (Online)

 I can get through tomorrow and Friday.  I'll probably work a lot over the weekend, though.

You might ask why I didn't work last week or so, rather than try to rush everything through at the last minute.  Well, I didn't want to plan on stuff and then have my district change things at the last minute.  At least once school starts, things are a little more written in stone.

Incidentally, our district hasn't really figured out how they want us to take attendance yet.  It's crazy.

One thing that's nice, though, is that my classroom doesn't have to be "student-friendly" since no students will be there.  My 60" tv isn't positioned where students can see it, it stands right behind my laptop.  It was so nice not to have to squint to read the laptop screen today!  And I could see everyone in our Zoom department meeting!

I have a student teacher.  He seems level-headed, meaning he hasn't soaked up all the edubabble Kool-Aid from his credential program (yet).  One thing he's rightly concerned about is that his credential program is teaching how to be a good distance learning teacher, which is very different from a good classroom teacher.  We'll find a way to work on skills in both of those domains.

Today was the first day I'd left my house since last Friday.  It'll be nice (for awhile) to get up, shower, get dressed, and go to work each day.  It'll be over 100 degrees out for the foreseeable future, so several of us are going to bring picnic blankets and hang out under the trees during our now-hour-long lunch!

Back to the grind.

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