Friday, August 28, 2020

Race and Rioting

Representative Deberry is a Democrat, is black, and is old enough that he actually participated in what we today call the Civil Rights Movement.  Just for that last part the country owes him a debt of eternal gratitude.

Listen to his words.  This video is probably the most powerful thing you'll watch today, even if you watch highlights of this week's Republican convention.  Listen to his words.  The video is only 7 minutes long, I assure you it will be time well-spent.


One of my favorite descriptions in this video, in reference to the nonviolent protests that were the hallmark of the Civil Rights Movement, is "They did it by standing like men and women of integrity and class and common sense and values."  Amen.

Deberry mentioned that rioting was not what he was there for, not what his father was there for, not what Dr. King was there for.  Here is Dr. King in his own words:


Rioting isn't going to work in America.  Dr. King was right then and right today when he said that riots are ultimately self-defeating.

1 comment:

  1. The Civil Rights Movement as done effectively in the 60s INVITED others to participate, with more of a "shame" motivator. We were all invited to come together.
    The BLM movement only has the invitation to give up power, with basically a fear motivator. We are not meant to come together in rioting.
