Tuesday, August 18, 2020

How Is It That People Don't Understand This?



  1. I'm not so sure about #5. It seems to me that the pursuit of communism leads to socialism... ALWAYS

    Even 'Communist' Russia said they had a socialist government (thus the name, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). Eventually the plan was to go to true communism but those in charge kept waiting for various things to happen which gave them the excuse to maintain the socialist power structure.

    A true communist country has never existed. It is a Nirvana that can never be achieved because communist theory does not take into account human nature.

  2. You used the word "understand" which does not apply, since it means thinking.
    You just have to use the feelz moar strongerly, like this:

    Rich people have more money, and that's not fair! I have teh sadz! I am victim, and they are selfish immoral people who aren't giving me what I deserve because equity, justice, and leftistry!

  3. Steve, you are technically right--but the goal of socialism is communism. They keep trying, and keep failing for the reason you mentioned.

    And Pseudotsuga, your comment gave me the laffs!
