Saturday, August 15, 2020

Do People Really Think This Way?

Or do they just write crap like this in hopes of riling other people up?  Seriously, you're supposed to feel bad about doing right by your child because other people can't do as much for theirs?  That's some serious insanity, there:

I saw a Tesla with #BlackLivesMatter written on the rear windshield the other day. It appeared to be a parent picking up their kid from a “pandemic pod,” which, if you’re not familiar, is a small cluster of families who pool resources to hire a private tutor, who may be a parent. These pods are very popular among my neighbors in the Bay Area of California. Nearby I could see a YMCA, which provides child care and after-school programming. It shut down due to COVID-19.

I’m not the first to point out that pods are emblematic of educational inequity in the United States. It’s a winner-take-all approach, with privileged, often mostly white students hoarding academic and social gains and further segregating our K-12 systems. This hypocrisy is why pod parents make me so angry. If Black lives matter, doesn’t that include Black children? What about Black futures?

Black lives matter, but I'm not responsible for raising every black child.  How is that difficult to understand?


  1. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I'm in my 10th year homeschooling my own kids, and in my 6th year volunteering as a 'homework helper' at an inner-city afterschool program. I went once a week for an hour or 2 for most of the summer, trying to catch some kids up on their phonics/reading skills. By finishing my own kids' work in the morning (and not being needed to pick them up from school and help with homework), I can make time available in the afternoons, when the other kids need help.

    Podschoolers may be a different animal, but a lot of the long-term homeschoolers that I know are also regular volunteers, often in education roles but not always.

  2. Anonymous2:27 PM

    That Tesla driver is either a limousine liberal (meaning they don't believe that black lives really matter) or a conservative trying to appear as if they are a liberal so that they don't get harassed.

  3. Homeschool mom here too. I volunteer at the local high school as well, helping with the math practice for the kids who are interested in veterinary science.
