Monday, August 10, 2020

Back To Work Tomorrow

Tomorrow is our "meetings and professional development day". I'm not looking forward to 6 hours of Zoom. Perhaps I should prop the laptop up on my belly as I sit in the massage chair.... 

Wednesday is our teacher "work day", and I intend to go into school and prepare to teach from there.  I also will be meeting my student teacher that day--should be an interesting experience mentoring a student teacher whilst conducting online teaching.

I don't yet have access to my Financial Math curriculum, which is entirely online.  No reply yet from the provider of the curriculum.

Our district tells us we must take attendance every day but they don't yet have a policy on how to do that.  We might have to wait a couple of weeks for that.  If I were snarky I'd note that they can't come up with a plan on how (and under what conditions) I should take attendance, but they can adopt radical left-wing "social justice" standards.  Good thing I'm not snarky.

I'm sure a lot of other tripwires will be discussed in our meetings/training tomorrow.  It's always so fun to start the school year, and this year especially so!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:23 PM

    My son starts “School” on Thursday. No communication yet from the district on what that will look like.
