Sunday, July 05, 2020


At the left you can see the labels I use to categorize topics on this blog.  If I can't pidgeonhole a post into a specific topic I'll assign it to "miscellaneous".  And of course, posts may have more than one label assigned.

As of the time I write this I have 12,510 published posts dating back to January 2005.  Here are the top 10 categories of blog posts and how many posts I currently have in those categories:

K-12 issues, 2762
Higher education, 1862
liberals/lefties, 1818
Trivia, 934
Discrimination/race, 885
Math/science, 833
Teachers, 824
Economy/economics/budget, 785
Teachers unions, 706
Miscellaneous, 711

Not bad for a blog devoted to "education, politics, and anything else that catches my attention."

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