Saturday, July 11, 2020

If It's Free, Maybe I'll Go. Otherwise, Probably Not.

Seems like a strange idea to me, but it's his money to do with as he pleases:
Reed Hastings, co-founder of Netflix, made headlines a few weeks ago when his most recent purchase came to light. Although the info was spread across regular news sites, those of us in education are perhaps even more interested. According to an article by Vox, Hastings purchased 2,100 acres of land in Colorado that will be used solely as an educator and teacher retreat center, called Retreat Land at Lone Rock...

Details are nil—Amy Dee, a former Netflix real estate executive, stated in an email that she is not ready to share any specific details at the moment and to reach out near the end of the year or early next year. Various articles, however, have stated that the retreat center will be used for teachers, principals, and nonprofit heads and will be available to both public school and charter schools. It will house about 30 teachers at a time and is set to open in the spring of 2021. According to an original permit application for the center, the property will have cabins, meeting rooms, a spa with hot tubs and saunas, a lodge with a wine cellar and yoga deck, as well as trails on the property.

1 comment:

  1. Darren, its about time... we deserve it! Just like cops, firefighters, grocery-store workers, hospital-workers, BLM protesters, bus drivers, construction workers, plumbers, water-meter readers, and each and every member of the LBTGQXXX community.....EDUCATORS (non-admin) ARE HEROES!!!

    ELM!!! (not admin)
