Sunday, June 21, 2020

Not All Elected Officials In California Are Idiots

Our governor is, but others aren't:

Friday marked the first full day of California’s statewide mask mandate...

The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office announced it will not be enforcing the mask mandate. In a statement, the sheriff's office said in part:

“Due to the minor nature of the offense, the potential for negative outcomes during enforcement encounters, and anticipating the various ways in which the order may be violated, it would be inappropriate for deputies to criminally enforce the Governor's mandate. Accordingly, the Sheriff's Office will not be doing so. Rather, we will continue to operate in an educational capacity in partnership with the County Health Office.”

Other local law enforcement seem to agree with the sheriff:

The Citrus Heights Police Department is taking a similar stance of education instead of enforcement. Police Chief Ronald Lawrence said in a statement:

“The Citrus Heights Police Department will not be criminally enforcing the Governor’s Health Order requiring the use of face coverings or masks. We continue to encourage our community to comply with the Public Health Orders and guidelines, and believe education has served as an effective means to slow the spread of the pandemic in our region. Voluntary compliance has worked well for our Citrus Heights community members and we thank them for all of their hard work and cooperation during these challenging times.”

Sacramento County Health Services Director Dr. Peter Beilenson said the statewide mandate helps provide a common denominator.

“The mandate will not force everybody to wear a mask because, again, it won’t really be terribly well enforced, but it will set the cultural norm that people should be wearing masks,” Beilenson said.

Being hard of hearing, I can claim this exemption from the so-called requirement:

Persons who are hearing impaired, or communicating with a person who is hearing impaired, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication.
When we were surveyed, I told my school district that I will not be able to yell loudly all day in order to be heard and understood through a face mask in my classroom.  Additionally, if I can't see students' mouths when they're talking to me, I often can't understand what they're saying.

1 comment:

  1. I wish they would consider exemptions for those with asthma or COPD. I honestly will go all day without so much as a sniffle, and then I put on a mask and suddenly I'm coughing. We don't have to wear them everywhere....yet....but given the insanity of the Dallas county judge, who would gladly shut down everything again, I expect it to happen any day. Meanwhile the new test results on COVID are out and strangely enough starting on Monday of this week the spike in COVID is in the 18 to 39 age range. Gee, I wonder what they were doing back around May 27 to Jun 7. But of course the politicians are blaming it on bars instead of protest/riots, lack of masks and social distancing. Heaven forbid the rioters take responsibility for anything, even their own carelessness.
